PIONEER of Fully Automatic Membrane Filter Press

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This membrane filter type filter press can be used for filtration and dewatering in virtually any industrial fields including filtration process in production plants, treatment of various industrial wastewaters, and sludge dewatering process for city water, sewage and industrial water.


  • Expression mechanism involving an expression membrane is built into the filter press; thereby cake formed through filtration can be expressed and dewatered at higher pressure. As a result, the filter press can stably produce cake of low moisture content without being much affected by variation in mechanical properties of slurry.
  • The most common material for expression membrane is natural rubber. Customers can select resin membrane suitable for high-temperature application or food-processing application. Also, customers can choose an integrated type that consists of both filter plate and expression membrane.
  • The shape of filter cloth is fixed so that the filter is not affected by limitation of its mechanical strength, thereby filter cloth can be used for a prolonged period. Also, filter cloths of relatively weak mechanical strength may be used; thereby a diversity of filter cloth types each boasting good filtering characteristics can be used.
  • The shape of filter cloth and expression membrane is designed, optimized for ease of maintenance; these members can be serviced or replaced quickly.  Upon request, a special specification variant—high-pressure type (rated at 5.0 MPa—is available which achieve extremely low moisture content with dewatered cake.